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Video: Five infamous moments of Gennaro Gattuso madness

5) Gattuso Headbutts Joe Jordan - 2011

Milan v Spurs – Champions League

Let’s start with the most recent. Gattuso had been fired up throughout Milan’s last 16 first leg tie again Tottenham Hotspur at San Siro, but “lost his head” midway through the second half. Shortly after Vedran Corluka had been stretchered off following a two-footed Mathieu Flamini tackle, Gattuso reacted furiously to Spurs assistant Joe Jordan, who had been shouting at the former Rangers man in Scottish.

Gattuso ran to the touchline and grabbed Jordan by the throat. Several minutes later he was wrongly booked for a foul on Steven Pienaar, ruling him out of the second leg, despite clearly winning the ball. The 33-year-old had been on a tightrope all night, constantly battling with Peter Crouch, and his frustration at missing the trip to London was evident in a crazy flip roll and session of punching the ground.

Ringhio saved the worst until last. At the final whistle, Gattuso sought out former Milan striker Jordan – a notorious hardman himself during his playing days – for Round 2. Rino stormed over to the Spurs bench, shook hands with Harry Redknapp, and head-butted Jordan.

4) Gattuso Slaps Beckham - 2000

Italy v England – International friendly

Although they would go on to become good team-mates at Milan at the end of the decade, with David Beckham even helping Gattuso open up his new fish market, the beginning of the new millennium didn’t start so well for the pair.

Italy welcomed England to Turin in an international friendly in November 2000. The Three Lions were in disarray following Kevin Keegan’s resignation as manager, and Peter Taylor was filling in for successor Sven Goran Eriksson. Meanwhile, Italy bossed by Giovanni Trapattoni were still recovering from their heartbreaking Euro 2000 final defeat to France.

Gattuso was making his first international start and scored his only ever Italy goal to settle the game 1-0 with a long range screamer. Prior to that, though, he caused controversy by slapping Beckham on the back of the head after Golden Balls had gone down easily in the box. Gattuso’s goal can be seen below.

3) Gattuso Slaps Lippi - 2006

Italy v Czech Republic – World Cup Group Stages

Gattuso had already lost his rag in the post-match press conference following the violent 1-1 draw with the United States. Wishing to ease his way into the 2006 World Cup due to injury, Gattuso was forced to come on as a first half substitute against the USA when Daniele De Rossi was red carded for a vicious elbow on Brian McBride. The ex-Salernitana man made no secret of his annoyance of “busting his balls” while not fully fit.

In the final group game against Czech Republic, a draw would be enough to take Italy through but a victory was really needed in order to avoid Brazil in the last 16. Ahead 1-0 it took until the 87th minute for the Azzurri to kill off the game when Pippo Inzaghi rounded Petr Cech. Gattuso ran to the touchline for a testosterone-filled celebration, push-slapping coach Marcello Lippi in the face who didn’t seem best impressed!

2) Gattuso Goads Christian Poulsen – 2005

Milan v Schalke – Champions League Groups

At the time of this game, Poulsen was public enemy No.1 in the red-and-black half of Milan – and the whole of Italy in general. The problems had started at Euro 2004 when Francesco Totti was infamously banned through the use of television evidence after spitting at Poulsen during the Azzurri opening group draw with Denmark. The blonde-haired midfielder was accused of provoking the Roma captain throughout the game with kicks and dirty tricks.

In the group stages of the 2005/06 Champions League, Poulsen received a barrage of criticism in the aftermath of Milan’s 2-2 draw in Germany when he dished out some rough treatment while man-marking Kaka. The Rossoneri’s players and management blasted Poulsen in the press. At the final whistle of the 3-2 victory over Schalke in the return game – that booked Milan’s place in the knockouts – Gattuso irately goaded Poulsen. The Dane appeared a little shaken as the Italian squared up to him, before the likes of Clarence Seedorf acted as peacemakers and dragged their team-mate away.

1) Gattuso’s Car Destroyed By A Dog - 2003

Gattuso’s craziest moment came off the pitch, when he was unwittingly pranked by popular Italian tv show Scherzi A Parte, a programme that plays practical jokes on famous Italian celebrities.

Gattuso went to the Baci & Abbracci restaurant in Milan, and left his car to the parking attendant, who revealed to him how much of a fan he was of the midfielder: "You're a myth to me, I named my dog after you because he has a fierce temper and a strong body.”

While Gattuso was eating in the restaurant, the attendant opened Gattuso's BMW and let his dog inside, which started biting and scratching everything.

Gattuso (along with team-mates Christian Abbiati and Cristian Brocchi who are aware of the joke) return to his car and sees the dog inside. The other parking attendant asks him: "What's up? Do you need help?"

Gattuso questions what the dog is doing in his car and where the other parking attendant is.

He replies:" I don't know, he just went…”

Gattuso: “Have you sees the damage the dog has done to my car?”

Parking attendant: "Are you sure it wasn't already damaged before you came here?”

Gattuso: "Are you crazy? What the f*** are you saying? Why did you let the dog in my car?”

Parking attendant: "Don’t be mad at me? I wasn’t the one in custody of your car.”

Gattuso: "Don't p*ss me off even more. I will crush you. Stay quiet."

Abbiati then asks the attendant if he has his colleague’s number, to which he responds: "Do you have the Milan ball boy’s phone number?”

Gattuso goes ballistic, waving his lollipop, before eventually talking on the phone to the first parking attendant, Carletto – the owner of the dog

Carletto: "I put the dog into the car to give you a special service, don't worry, my dog is very calm.”

Gattuso demands he return to the car park to give him his keys, to which Carletto responds that he has to go home first to get his camera so he can take a photo together with Gattuso.

A man on the balcony in pyjamas overlooking the car park then starts complaining about all the noise, to which Gattuso angrily blasts: "What the f*** do you want? Don't break my balls. My car has been destroyed.”

Man on balcony: "I'll kick your ass."

Gattuso: “Come down here. F*** off!

Man on balcony: “What are you doing with a lollipop in your hand?”

Gattuso: “Come here, I'll stick it up your ass. Go to sleep.”

Man on balcony: “I'll go to sleep if you let me sleep. You do f*** all in the mornings when I have to go work.”

Gattuso: “Can't you see my car has been destroyed. What should I do, stay quiet?”

Man: “I can’t afford to buy a car like that. I take the tram!”

A man and a woman arrive at the scene, also complaining.

Woman: "This is no way to treat a dog. You must respect the laws that protect animals.”

Man to Abbiati : “I'll sue your friend (Gattuso) for animal abuse.”

Woman: “What's the dog's name?”

Parking Attendant: “Gennaro.”

Woman: “What a s*** name!”

Brocchi calls Carletto. Gattuso takes the phone and threatens him: "Ehi, you idiot, as soon as you return here I'll kick your ass."

Carletto: "Sorry, I'm late. I went to buy film for my camera.”

Second Parking Attendant: "I understand you're angry because you weren’t called up for Italy but don’t take it out on us! And take the lollipop out of your mouth because I can’t understand your talk with it.

Gattuso gets very angry, before roaring: “I'll batter your face with the lollipop.”

Carletto finally arrives and Gattuso sees red, chasing him around the car park and kicking him. Abbiati has to restrain his team-mate as Carletto asks if he can take a photo with him.

Gattuso demands the car keys before Carletto reveals that he has been pranked and is on the show "Scherzi a parte"!

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