Jose Mourinho

Mourinho links to Dortmund ‘without substance’, says Bundesliga giant’s sporting director

Speculation suggesting that Jose Mourinho is a possible target for Borussia Dortmund is “without any substance”, says the club’s sporting director Michael Zorc.

The Portuguese is generating plenty of headlines once more as leading sides around Europe endure struggles for consistency.

Goal learned recently that the former Real Madrid boss is being considered for a possible return to Santiago Bernabeu, with Zinedine Zidane fighting to keep his job with the Liga giants.

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The ex-Chelsea, Inter and Manchester United coach is also said to be figuring in the thoughts of those in Dortmund.

Lucien Favre is currently in charge of the Bundesliga outfit, but saw them squander a commanding nine-point lead in the 2018-19 title race as Bayern Munich prevailed once again.

The defending champions have endured the odd wobble of their own this season, but Dortmund have been unable to take advantage and sit fourth in the table.

That has led to suggestions that a change in the dugout may be considered, with Mourinho still available after severing ties with United in December 2018.

Zorc, though, is adamant that no such discussions have taken place and that the man controlling the reins at present should have no fears regarding his immediate future.

He told Sky Deutschland: "Those Mourinho rumours are without any substance.

"There is no discussion around our coach. We are delighted Lucien Favre is our coach."

Rumours regarding Mourinho first surfaced ahead of Dortmund’s Champions League clash with Inter on Wednesday.

A 2-0 defeat at San Siro will have done little for Favre’s cause, if he is heading towards the chopping block.

His side will be back in action on Saturday away at Schalke, with a positive response to a European setback being demanded.

Dortmund have won just two of their last seven games in all competitions and are considered to be underachieving.

That is likely to keep the Mourinho talk ticking over for as long as he remains available.

The 56-year-old had expressed a desire to be back in coaching over the summer, but no suitable offers materialised and he has been enjoying punditry work while waiting on an enticing approach.
