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South African football without identity - Kaizer Chiefs MDC coach Zwane

Kaizer Chiefs' MDC coach Arthur Zwane believes showboating doesn't have a place in South African football. 

This comes on the back Amakhosi's 4-1 win over Golden Arrows in the MDC last weekend, where Zwane was impressed with his team's showing but not necessarily their trickery on the ball.

According to Zwane, South African football is behind because players are more concerned about pleasing fans out in the stands than playing proper football and winning matches.   

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"We are not developing players with confidence and arrogance as well the understanding for the game," Zwane said as quoted by the Daily Sun

"We keep saying we have our identity as South Africans but there is no identity, to be honest, we are allowing negative football when they have to be direct and be productive.

"I will repeat what I’ve said before, as a nation we are behind because our players play to please fans in the stands.

"Supporters are important but we need to understand that they will still love you even if you play proper, direct football like Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, those are direct players who are in the business of football, and fans still love them."

The former Amakhosi winger reiterated the importance of coaches getting the proper coaching qualifications to be able to pass on the right information to the players, especially the younger ones in the youth structures. 

The 45-year-old mentor has a Caf A licence and was recently abroad to do his Uefa B1 licence.   

"You have to equip yourself as a coach because the information you give to these young boys should be the right one," he added.

"If you don’t understand what you’re talking about, then you are setting them up for failure. It’s good for us to attend these coaching courses, get our coaching badges and be on par with the rest of the world in terms of understanding the game."

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