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'If Leicester City can win the Premier League then South Africa can win a Fifa World Cup'

MySafa strongly believes that South Africa can win a Fifa World Cup in future. 

This is according to a statement released by MySafa - a player registration and competition management system launched by the South African Football Association (Safa) in February 2017.

Its primary goal is to make amateur football throughout South Africa more transparent, free of cheating, organised and professional. It is an integral part of Safa’s Vision 2022, and its target of South African football national teams being in the top 3 in Africa and the top 20 in the world.

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MySafa claims that if Belgium can be ranked the number one team in the world, while Leicester City and Iceland can win the Premier League and qualify for the World Cup respectively, then it is also possible for South Africa to win a Fifa World Cup. 

MySafa said a similar initiative was adopted by Germany following their early exit from Euro 2000, and became world champions in 2014.  

Here is part of the statement as released by the country's FA:

The MYSAFA team has made no secret of our ultimate ambition. In football, the measure of success is always winning. Consistent top performing teams bring attention and investment that can then be channelled to talent development and projects with social benefits beyond the pitch. In the end, the ultimate measure of the success of a player, club or association will always be goals-for and goals-against.

We strongly believe that if Iceland can qualify for the World Cup, Leicester City can win the EPL and Belgium – with a population one-fifth that of South Africa – can be the number one ranked team in the world, then we can win a FIFA World Cup. 

This is admittedly a long-term goal that exceeds the timeframe of SAFA's Vision2022, but it reinforces the notion that “digital” is not something you do for a couple years and then you’re done. SAFA’s vision for MYSAFA involves continual refinement, growth and expansion.

Germany’s commitment to digitizing their association was motivated by their early exit from Euro 2000. Fourteen years later they became World Champions for the fourth time.
