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Where Tim Weah will play for Juventus - and what it means for the future of the USMNT

If you need any more evidence that Tim Weah needs to be a starter on the wing for the United States men's national team, just look at the Nations League. Forget about the World Cup goal even, another perfect example, and just look at these two most recent games. Weah's ability to get to the line and make defenders uncomfortable remains vital to the USMNT's style of play. He simply does that better than anyone else in this player pool.

And that's what makes his $12m move to Juventus so interesting. While he's a completely indispensable winger for the USMNT, Weah is joining a club that has rarely used wide players as pure wingers. Juventus, for years, haven't played with out-and-out wingers, instead leaning on wing-backs with a different set of skills.

On the surface, that doesn't make much sense for Weah, does it? Moving to a club to play out of position? It seems like a weird one, for sure.

But, in this case, it isn't. Weah's move to Juventus does make a lot of sense. The Italian giants are an obvious step up from Lille, even with the Bianconeri's recent issues, and the position that will be waiting for Weah is perhaps one perfectly designed to maximize his skillset. It's one he's familiar with and seemingly open to playing, even if it is a bit different than the one he'll play with the USMNT.

It's a big move, for sure, for the player, for the club and for the national team, and it's of course one that comes with risks. But, for Weah, it seems like one that will put him in a good place to succeed.

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