Matt Holland, PerlisGoal

Perlis appoints new Director of Football

The transformation as Perlis continues with the latest appointment to their staff, this time for the director of football role. The capture of the former Buriram staff represents a big opportunity for the nothern club to progress.

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Holland's task will primarily be for the youth development but Perlis president Datuk Ahmad Amizal Shaifit also alluded to in Tuesday's press conference that the Welsh national will also be assisting all corners of the club where necessary.

This 2019 season has seen Perlis hitting the headlines with their promotion to the Premier League as well as recruitment of big name players as they move to invigorate the club and the appointment of Holland is seen as a move to protect the long term future of the club.

"It's a privilege for me to be here. Malaysia is a country I hold very close to my heart. The project here is new with new management. It is important moving forward that people respect what club want to do. It's a transition but we have to move forward."

"For me in this role it is important to first support the staffs. I've had meetings with Coach Manzoor. It is important that I support him as much as I can. I want to ensure that I give him my time of the day, as well as to the other age-group teams.  

"With the club in a new direction, it's important we have sustainability in the development program. Not something that goes away in the future. As you know the team trains here (Klang Valley) and play in Kangar, so it's important to connect both communities as best we can.

"So that the young players that we touch not only learn, play and enjoy football but also make sure that they fall in love with the club again," said Holland in the press conference.

Holland is no stranger to the Malaysian football scene having spent some time here with the National Football Development Programme working closely with Lim Teong Kim. He has also spent time as assistant coach with Thailand's Army United FC and Port FC as well as India's Bengaluru FC.

As someone who is also proficient with the Malay language, Holland is expected to have little trouble readapting back to working in Malaysia and could play a pivotal role in unearthing Perlis' next generation of stars.

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