Is Lionel Messi locked in for 2024 MVP? The top 10 contenders to challenge Inter Miami's star man for MLS' biggest individual prize - ranked

We all know who the world will be watching in MLS this season. His name is Lionel Messi, and his resume speaks for itself. Few, if any, have ever done it better, and as he prepares for his first full season in MLS, expectations are high as can be.

Messi has conquered it all, for club and country, and everyone expects him to conquer MLS this season. He's simply too good not to, right? If Messi stays healthy, he'll undoubtedly put up numbers as he begins this first full season with Inter Miami.

The question is, though, if Messi can be the best. He's the MLS MVP favorite, for sure, but he's far from the only superstar in this league. None have his resume, fame or expectations, but there are plenty of players that could rival the Argentinian icon for the title of MLS' best in 2024.

With that said, GOAL takes a look at the other contenders for MLS MVP that will look to prevent Messi from claiming the throne...

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