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What counts as an assist in fantasy football? FPL point scoring explained


The player from the scoring side who completes the last pass prior to a goal being scored is given an assist.

Whether the pass was unintended (the player had to dribble the ball or an accidental touch or shot generated the chance) or intentional (that it actually produced the chance), an assist is given.

No assist is given if an opponent handles the ball after the last pass but before a goal is achieved, drastically changing its intended course.

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No assist will be given if an opponent's touch is immediately followed by an opponent's outfield player making a defensive mistake. No assist is given if the goal scorer loses possession before regaining it.



The basis of awarding an assist in the Fantasy Premier League is relaxed to give users a more immersive experience. Straying from the basic definition of the term, a player can grab himself an assist even if an opposing player touches the pass before being received by the intended player if the 'intended destination' of the ball isn't significantly altered.

For example, if a player unleashes a cross in the box from a corner or a free-kick and the defender gets a header onto it but the ball still reaches its intended destination i.e the six-yard box or the far post, the corner taker will be awarded an assist for his actions.


A player will also receive an assist if the ball is deflected into the back of the net through an attempted tackle or a block.

Imagine a forward is running through on goal courtesy of a beautiful pass behind the defence from a midfielder. As the forward is about to score the opposing defender lunges in with a tackle only to deliver the ball in the back of the net. In that case, the midfielder will get an assist because it was the forward's action that produced the goal.

In the same scenario, if the forward would have regained possession of the ball after the tackle and after unleashing his initial shot and if he scores for the second time asking, no assist will be awarded.


Players who have their shots saved, blocked, or deflected off the woodwork can earn an assist if the ball falls to their teammate and they turn the ball into the back of the net or it results in an own goal.

Even if the defender touches a ball an assist isn't ruled out until there are multiple interceptions or the trajectory of the failed shot changes. The initial player needs to dispatch a shot at goal and if he tries to attempt a pass or a cross, then no assist will be awarded.


A player will not be awarded an assist if the attacker takes a second strike at goal after his first one is saved by the goalkeeper or a defender. If a forward nestles the back of the net in his second attempt after seeing his first attempt go begging no assist is awarded.

The forward will also not be awarded an assist despite his first shot being stopped. Although the previous rule suggests that a player can grab an assist from a failed shot, it's only possible if a second player scores the goal.


A player can also earn himself some extra points if he manages to draw a foul for his team and the dead ball opportunity finds the back of the net. If a player is fouled by an opposing player inside the box and his teammate converts the penalty

A player can also be awarded an assist if he enforces a handball from an opponent leading to a free kick or a penalty. The player will not garner an assist if he earns a penalty and then he takes the spot kick and converts it.


Every player who manages to make an assist in a game is awarded three extra points for his contribution. These three points are awarded over whatever a player is able to make throughout the game.

Kevin De Bruyne Manchester City 2022-23Getty

Manchester City's Kevin De Bruyne bagged the most number of assists last season in England's top division. The Belgium midfielder was able to earn 48 points in Fantasy Premier League through his 16 assists.
