Mohamed Salah Liverpool 2022-23Getty

Cánticos del Liverpool: Las letras y videos de las canciones más populares en Anfield

El Liverpool es uno de los clubes más exitosos en el fútbol inglés y la larga lista de cánticos de sus aficionados recuerda todos esos títulos, tanto del pasado como del presente.

Los seguidores de los Reds en el país británico y de fuera de Inglaterra quieren vivir este ambiente en Anfield y una entrada es un bien muy preciado.

Con tantas historias y futbolistas involucrados se han creado muchas canciones a lo largo de los años, y Goal ha recopilado videos y letras de algunos de los cánticos más populares que se cantan en los partidos de Liverpool.

You'll Never Walk Alone

When you walk through a storm,

Hold your head up high,

And don’t be afraid of the dark,

At the end of a storm,

There’s a golden sky,

And the sweet silver song of a lark.

Walk on through the wind,

Walk on through the rain,

Though your dreams be tossed and blown,

Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart,

And you’ll never walk alone,

You’ll never walk alone.

Conoce todo sobre el You'll Never Walk Alone

Red and White Kop

On a Saturday afternoon, 

We support a team called Liverpool, 

And we sing until we drop, 

On the famous Spion Kop. 

We all live in a red and white Kop,

A red and white Kop,

A red and white Kop,

We all live in a red and white Kop, 

A red and white Kop, 

A red and white Kop.

We'll Be Coming Down The Road

We'll be coming,

We'll be coming down the road,

When you hear that noise

From the Bill Shankly boys,

We'll be coming down the road!

We Love You

We love you, Liverpool, we do!

We love you, Liverpool, we do!

We love you, Liverpool, we do!

Oh, Liverpool, we love you!

Five Times

We won it five times,

We won it five times,

In Istanbul, we won it five times!

Fields of Anfield Road

All round the Fields of Anfield Road,

Where once we watched the King Kenny play (and could he play!) 

Steve Heighway on the wing,

We had dreams and songs to sing,

Of the glory round the Fields of Anfield Road.

Steve Gerrard

Steve Gerrard, Gerrard,

He'll pass the ball 40 yards,

He's big and he's f*cking hard,

Steve Gerrard, Gerrard.

Poor Scouser Tommy

Ooh, I am a Liverpudlian,

I come from the Spion Kop,

I like to sing, I like to shout,

I go there quite a lot!

To support a team that plays in red,

A team that we all know,

A team that we called Liverpool,

To glory we will go!

We won the league, we won the Cup,

We’ve been to Europe too,

We played the Toffees for a laugh,

And left them feeling blue! 5-0!

1 2, 1 2 3, 1 2 3 4, 5-0!

Rush scored one,

Rush scored two,

Rush scored three,

And Rush scored four!

Mo Salah

Mo Salah! Mo Salah! Mo Salah!

Running down the wing

Salah, la, la, la

The Egyptian King!

Salah, Mane, Mane


Mane, Mane!

And Bobby Firmino!

But we sold Coutinho...

But, we've got Salah!

Oh, Mane, Mane!

And Bobby Firmino!

Poetry in Motion

We are Liverpool!

Tra la la la la!

We are Liverpool!

Tra la la la la la la la!

We are Liverpool!

Tra la la la la!

We're the best football team in the land!

Yes we are!

Allez, Allez, Allez

We conquered all of Europe,

And we will never stop,

From Paris on to Turkey,

We've won the f*cking lot!

Bob Paisley and Bill Shankly,

The Fields of Anfield Road,

We are the supporters,

We come from Liverpool!

Allez, allez, allez!

Allez, allez, allez!

Allez, allez, allez!

Allez, allez, allez!
