Nasief Morris, August 2019Backpagepix

'PSL players lack the desire to move abroad' - former Bafana defender Nasief Morris

The current batch of South Africa’s locally-based players have come under criticism from former Bafana Bafana defender Nasief Morris.  

Much has been made of the lack of top South African footballers setting the European stage alight in recent years, and Morris - who enjoyed a largely successful career playing in La Liga and Greece among other places - has been critical of the players’ lack of ‘drive’ to make it at the top. 

“I don’t see that drive that one wants to challenge themselves to experience and try to push themselves to the limit,” Morris was quoted as saying by Phakaaathi.

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“Because I think we all had an opportunity to go to Europe, even it wasn’t the biggest club.

Many times, a player who makes the jump to Europe with a smaller side has come under fire from fans and from certain corners of the South African football fraternity for their decision, but Morris believes such moved should be seen as stepping stones rather than being seen as the final destination.

Furthermore, with salaries and the quality of life off the field having improved considerably since Morris played in the PSL, the 38-year-old feels players have found themselves in a comfort zone. 

“But it was a starting point and from there you put yourself in the window for the rest of Europe to have a look at you and maybe get an opportunity,” Morris explained. 

“I think that’s what we all did, but today it’s different. Players are comfortable playing in South African. They don’t want to get out of their comfort zone. They have to challenge themselves and see how far they can go."
