Kakamega Homeboyz striker Allan Wanga.Goal Kenya.

Coronavirus: A boring weekend in KPL but safety must come first – Wanga

Kakamega Homeboyz striker Allan Wanga has stated a weekend without football is a boring one but Kenyans must put safety first.

The former Harambee Stars striker was speaking in regard to the decision by the Kenyan Premier League (KPL) to postpone the league action for the next three weeks owing to the coronavirus.

“A weekend without football is boring but safety comes first,” the former AFC Leopards striker tweeted. “Take care of yourselves wherever you are.”

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On Saturday, the league body moved to postpone the next two rounds of matches and set April 4 as a tentative date to resume, should the Ministry of Health give the go-ahead.

The decision by the KPL came just a day after Kenya confirmed the first case of the Covid-19 virus which also forced the government to ban among other things, a meeting of more than 15 people, crusades and sports activities.

On Friday, Football Kenya Federation (FKF) also moved to suspend lower leagues, including sponsored tournaments in a move aimed at curbing the spread of the pandemic.

Only FKF Shield Cup matches were scheduled to take place on Saturday and Sunday but behind closed doors, though Gor Mahia and KCB opted against playing against Posta Rangers and Wazito FC, citing the directives from the government as the reason for their decision.
