Julian Hall NXGNGetty/GOAL

Julian Hall: The 15-year-old New York Red Bulls star wanted by Europe's elite after becoming youngest MLS player since Freddy Adu

Looking back at the moment itself just a few months later, Julian Hall admits he wasn't nervous. Even he is surprised by that fact. How in the world did he not feel a tidal wave of anxiety the moment he stepped onto the field?

You see, the moment in question came on September 30, 2023. With the New York Red Bulls down a goal, the club turned to Hall in the 80th minute. Nothing unusual, clubs turn to attacking players late in games all the time. The difference is that Hall is 15 years old. 15. The number bears repeating.

Too young to go get a driver's license, but old enough to play meaningful minutes in an MLS game for a club in a playoff race. By making his appearance, Hall became the second-youngest player in MLS history. The only one younger? Freddy Adu.

"I wouldn't say there were nerves," Hall told GOAL, "which is pretty surprising. I definitely just couldn't believe that I was on the field. It was really surreal to me. It took me a while to even feel like I was playing in the game. It was definitely one of the best feelings I've ever experienced and hopefully, I can continue with that."

The world is watching now. Clubs all over Europe have been linked, and they're big ones. Chelsea, Manchester City, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich.. all have been linked with the rising 15-year-old starlet.

It's still wild to Hall, whose life has totally changed over the last year in ways he still can't quite fathom.

"I think it's all changed a lot after last year," he said. "I never really got the high school experience. I never really attended high school before, but there was a pretty big chunk of teenage life that got away a bit, but it's all been taken out for a good reason now: my development and for me to have a career in this sport."

What's next for the rising 15-year-old star? GOAL spoke to Hall to discuss his career so far and, of course, his hopes for the future...

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