Juma Kaseja

Kaseja: I feel sorry for all Simba fans

Juma Kaseja has apologized to Simba fans after saving a late Emmanuel Okwi’s penalty to end the the club’s unbeaten run after they received a 1-0 defeat from Kagera Sugar on Saturday.

Speaking after game, the former Simba goalkeeper said he is happy to help his team beat the unstoppable Simba but he feels sorry for the Wekundu wa Msimbazi who wanted to mark another unbeaten record.

“Simba is one of the best team's in Tanzania, they have played amazing football this season and they have deservely won the title, however, we are happy that we beat them, I feel sorry for all Simba fans,” said Kaseja.

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Kaseja was part of the Simba squad that achieved the first unbeaten season in 2009-10 under Zambian coach Kina Phiri.
