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Inter Miami recruitmentGetty/GOAL

Inter Miami becoming Barcelona All-Stars - but Lionel Messi, Sergio Busquets and Jordi Alba won't be enough to win games in MLS

Inter Miami have spent the last few weeks assembling the Barcelona All-Stars. David Beckham's side is collecting Camp Nou icons like Infinity Stones. The club's got three now - Lionel Messi, Sergio Busquets and Jordi Alba - if they can add Luis Suarez and Andres Iniesta, they may just snap the rest of MLS out of existence.

It's an exciting prospect, of course. The players the club has signed and may sign in the weeks to come are players that have played, and won, at the highest level. They're some of the best at their respective positions in a generation. How could they not thrive in MLS?

Building a winning team isn't that simple, though. MLS is no longer a retirement league and, even when it was, the league was tough to those that treated it like it was. Several of the game's greats have struggled once arriving in North America, overwhelmed by the pace of play, travel, weather and more.

That's not to say that Inter Miami's new superheroes will struggle too. They're great players with great mindsets that appear to be arriving in MLS with the best of intentions. However, Miami's path to success may not really be determined by Messi, Busquets and Alba, but rather the pieces they put around them. This club is in last place in the Eastern Conference, after all. There's so much work to be done from top to bottom.

Miami have made the big signings - and boy, have they been big - but how they go about uplifting the rest of their squad will ultimately define this team over the next few years.

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