Justice Chabalala, Orlando Pirates, July 2019Backpagepix

Sredojevic: Chabalala has shown enormous loyalty to Orlando Pirates

Coach Micho Sredojevic has lauded Justice Chabalala's loyalty to Orlando Pirates especially after being overlooked for so long.

The burly defender put in a solid shift as the Buccaneers beat Kaizer Chiefs 2-0 in the CBL Cup on Saturday.  

"On Justice Chabalala, when you look from the point of human qualities and loyalty knowing that so many teams have looked for him, he has shown an enormous amount of loyalty to the team," Sredojevic told the media.

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According to Sredojevic, Chabalala has always been a generator of positive energy in the Bucs team, and he feels the player's return to the side was no accident.  

"He has always been a generator of positive energy in the team and him being voted for by supporters was not by accident," he continued. 

"They have recognised the heart of the player from Giyani, and he needed personal man-management in preparing for this match, but having in mind on 21 October 2017, he played his first Soweto Derby. So, this was like his second in a way," 

While Chabalala may have outdone himself on Saturday, Sredojevic admits the centre-back wouldn't have achieved this without the help of his teammates. 

"We are extremely happy as a technical team with the players that have helped him to practically adapt and adjust to the team, the game and the challenges that this game brought," he added.

Asked if Chabalala will now be given a chance to shine in the new season, Sredojevic admitted it would be premature to make such a conclusion, confirmed the former Free State Stars man has certainly knocked on the door.  

"He has knocked on the door, but at the same moment, we have no right to judge one game as a finished product," concluded the Serbian mentor.

"There are many more games of this magnitude. I hope it will help him gain confidence because he has not played for many months, but we are extremely happy and proud of him and his performance."
