Tanzania U-20 coach Bakari Shime.Daily News.

Shime: Lack of scouts cripples future of Tanzania women players

Tanzania coach Bakari Shime has revealed how a lack of scouts in women's football is the main factor depriving players of the chance to play professionally outside the country.

Shime has had a great time at the helm of the U17, U20 and senior teams to put the country on the world map as far as women’s football is concerned.

He has now pointed out the market for players in the country is high, but scouts have not seized the opportunity to venture into women's football.

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“We have potential players who can do well on the international scene but lack of agents and scouts to help our players cross the borders is one thing contributing to that situation,” Shime is quoted by Daily News.

“The other thing is in women football, players are mostly seen on the world face when playing for their national team since there are no major league competitions that bring them on one platform like Caf Champions League and Caf Confederation Cup in male football.”

Shime added with the success of the national teams (U17, U20 and Twiga Stars), most players are now getting the chance to be seen in many parts of the world, which he said is a good thing for the players.

Moreover, the coach said they have put in place good measures to rebuild the national team so they can compete in the Africa Women Cup of Nations and in Fifa Women’s World Cup.

“We have full backing from the Tanzania Football Federation which is eager to uplift women's football in the nation, that is why the federation has focused a lot on the development of the women’s league,” Shime continued.

“Within the next three years, Tanzania will make a big step in women’s football on the continent and the entire world.”
