Yanga SC vs Azam FC.Azam FC.

Said: Yanga SC should sign top players to improve jersey sales

Young Africans (Yanga SC) kit and merchandise suppliers GSM has hinted the club's members should sign players to help increase the sale of jerseys.

This was said by GSM Director of Operations, Hersi Said in Dar es Salaam while clarifying the sale of jerseys of the team ever since they came on board last year.

“We are putting in place good measures to ensure next season, the club should benefit a lot from the sale of jerseys, which is another option for revenue generation,” Said is quoted by Daily News.

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“During this season, we have experienced many challenges as far as the business of selling kits is concerned, but we have been able to learn from such shortfalls so that next season, things should move smoothly.”

“Some clubs in Europe start selling the jersey of a player before his arrival at the club, which in most cases help that particular club to generate income and we want to try that next season,” Hersi continued.

He then urged Yanga members and fans to strictly buy original kits and merchandise from reliable dealers, saying it was the only way they can help the club to benefit financially.

“Currently, we are selling Yanga jerseys at a promotion price of 20,000/- together with the club's magazine which was launched recently, meaning that a jersey goes at 15,000/-, while the magazine is sold at 5,000/- hence by paying 20,000/-, you can get the two products.”

In a related development, the club’s Fans Engagement Officer, Antonio Nugaz expressed satisfaction on the way people are responding to buy the newly launched magazine.
