President Uhuru Kenyatta.State House.

President Kenyatta declares support for AFC Leopards' bid to construct own stadium

President Uhuru Kenyatta has declared his support for AFC Leopards' bid to construct their own stadium.

The President made his support clear for the initiative when he presided over the handing over ceremony of the club's new bus to the team at State House in Nairobi.

“You have talked about a stadia we will sit and talk,” President Kenyatta said, as published by the State House Kenya Facebook page.

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The statement was made was when the AFC Leopards team members who were at the ceremony received their brand new bus.

"I agree it is good just like other teams across the world have home stadia, I think it is about time we started having home stadia for our own teams as well.” 

The head of state further praised the Kenyan Premier League (KPL) side for the roles they have played to inspire young people in the country.

“The most important thing is being a role model. And you as a youth are a role model and we appreciate and support that,” added Kenyatta.

The President further acknowledged the club's technical bench members who always take responsibility when the results on the pitch are not good.

“Managing a team that is of national importance is not an easy job. When they lose you get the blame but when they win, they take the credit,” he said.

“And all the community will be waiting to see when they lose, they will say the team was okay but the technical bench is the problem.

“We thank you and we are happy for what you are doing not only for yourselves but for the inspiration and hope you are giving to your fellow youth.”

The ceremony was attended by Sports Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohammed and her Devolution counterpart Eugene Wamalwa, the Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua and AFC Leopards Patron Timonah Wanyonyi who is also the member of Parliament for Westlands and chairman Dan Shikanda.

The President later attended the Mashemeji Derby where AFC Leopards hosted and lost to Gor Mahia with a 1-0 scoreline at Moi International Sports Complex, Kasarani.
