Azam FC Sure Boy vs JKT tanzania.Azam FC.

‘Our target is still in sight’ – Abubakar confident Azam FC will win title

Azam FC winger Salum ‘Sure Boy’ Abubakar has remained confident they are on the right track to win the Mainland Premier League title.

The Chamazi-based giants have enjoyed a good start to the 2020-21 campaign managing seven straight wins before they were beaten 2-1 by Mtibwa Sugar.

Again they could not pick up maximum points as they had to come from behind to force a 1-1 draw against JKT Tanzania in their last league match at Azam Complex.

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Despite the latest results, Abubakar has maintained they have already set their sights on winning the title and nothing has changed.

“Nothing has changed yet, because our plan is to win the league title,” Abubakar is quoted by Sokaletu. “We all know the competition in the league is tough, but we have set our own plans, we are looking at what we want to achieve.

“We are confident the squad we have will achieve the targets we set before the season kicked off, we knew we can reach the targets and that is why we set them, we will continue to battle until we reach our goals at the end of the season.”

On Saturday, Azam, who are sitting at the top of the 18-team league table, confirmed the return of monthly awards to boost their players in the quest to win the title.

In a separate interview, Azam information officer Thabit Zakaria told Goal the reason to re-introduce the awarding system is aimed at improving the team’s performance as they chase for the league title which they last won in the 2013-14 season.

“We want to make sure that our playing unit is well motivated and hence the decision to have the awards,” Zakaria told Goal. “We want to compete and achieve our targets this season, we have to play our part at the office and motivate the players, and that is what we have done.

“For the players to perform, you must support them,” Zakaria continued. “We are still on top of the table, we want to continue playing and getting points, we don’t want to let go of the position, and we must now win our next match to remain on course.”

Azam will next face promoted Dodoma Jiji on Saturday.
