Charles Momanyi of Gor Mahia vs Napsa Stars.Goal Kenya.

Odhiambo drags Caf into Gor Mahia’s financial woes

Gor Mahia treasurer Dolfiina Odhiambo has explained why the players have not been paid since February.

Recently, the players staged go-slows to protest the delay of their salaries and the official has dragged Caf into the mess.

Odhiambo stated the football governing body failed to process Ksh6 million owed for reaching the second round of the Champions League.

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“On March 6, Caf wrote to us seeking to have our bank details,” Odhiambo said as was quoted by Citizen TV.

“We organised with our bank and sent them all the details. They later claimed they did not get the details on time.

“This time around we’re doing the same through the federation hoping and for the best.”

She also claimed the previous office left a whopping Ksh200 million in uncleared bills which she is trying to settle.

The official further revealed the club’s monthly wage bill stands at Ksh4.5 million as opposed to the Ksh5.5 million under the office that exited almost one year ago.

“Most people don’t know that my predecessors left a huge bill behind,” she said.

“I have invented methods of trying to clear the bill to get the club back to its feet. No one should blame me for past mistakes.

“I reduced the wage bill immediately I took over as one of the measures to rescue the club from collapsing.”

Odhiambo further stated how the money they get from the sponsors is far from enough to help them run efficiently.

“Our sponsors only give us Ksh5.5 million annually yet we need close to Ksh60 million for salaries alone, let alone travelling, accommodation and pitch hire,” she concluded.

Apart from the sponsors, K’Ogalo members started the Augmenting Fund whose collections are used to settle player allowances.

Gor Mahia, just like the other football clubs in the country, are not scheduled to play any game soon since the leagues were suspended by the state owing to the coronavirus pandemic.

Football Kenya Federation president Nick Mwendwa, however, stated they are not contemplating cancelling the competition as was the case with the previous campaign when K’Ogalo were awarded the title.
