Sam Nyamweya FKF.Star Newspaper.

Nyamweya outraged by FKF's mishandling of funds

Veteran administrator Sam Nyamweya has hit out at Football Kenya Federation (FKF) for mishandling finances meant for Harambee Stars.

Former Kenya coach Sebastien Migne has threatened to report FKF to Fifa after failing to pay him his dues. The current regime under the leadership of Nick Mwendwa is under intense pressure to clear their name from the allegations against them and the former FKF President believes they should be sued.

"Latest reports attributed to former Harambee Stars coach Sebastien Migne claiming he is owed money by the Football Kenya Federation should not be taken as a surprise," Nyamweya stated in a signed statement obtained by Goal.

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"It hurts that this confirms what is already in the public domain that the FKF mishandled monies meant for the national team Harambee Stars for the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations staged in Egypt.

"Migne says he is owed winning bonuses for the victory of the Harambee Stars against Tanzania during the competition stage in Egypt. One year since the team played in the tournament, even the players are yet to get the bonuses of Sh250, 000 each promised to them.

"The office of FKF held by Nick Mwendwa has become notorious for not paying coaches their dues. As it stands now, Kenya may be struck out of the qualifiers for the 2022 World cup because of the federation's failure to pay former coach Adel Amrouche," Nyamweya continued.

"Bobby Williamson too is demanding his dues from the federation after his dismissal four years ago. Add that to the latest case of Migne."

Nyamweya believes world football governing body Fifa should step in and force the Federation to pay the coaches.

"We, the stakeholders of Kenyan football, now call upon Fifa to force the Federation to pay the three coaches soonest. We further implore on Fifa not to allow Mwendwa and his team to use the development funds to pay the coaches.

"Already the federation has accountability issues with regards to the purchase of the OB [Outside Broadcast] van from Fifa funds. This money was meant for football development in the country but was misappropriated by the federation."

The administrator has also invited the government to initiate legal proceeding against the officials for fund misappropriation. He feels they should pay from their pockets. Nyamweya has also asked the government to freeze the Federation's accounts to ensure no more harm is caused.

"We also ask the government to institute a legal process against the outgoing federation officials for misappropriation of funds meant for football development and failing to account for the Sh250 million accorded to them for the 2019 Afcon.

"Further, the federation officials must be forced to pay the coaches from their pockets and not from Federation coffers, failure to which their properties should be attached to recover the monies misappropriated.

"The government should act fast and freeze all Federation accounts to stem further plundering of money.

"Our advise to Amrouche, Williamson and Migne is to sue individuals of the federation so that the courts can force them to pay from their own pockets."
