KCCA FC of Uganda.KCCA FC.

My heart spills with joy seeing brilliant, young gentlemen at KCCA FC – Kisaka

Kampala Capital City Authority Executive Director Dorothy Kisaka has lauded KCCA FC for the steps they have taken in talent development.

Kisaka was appointed in July by President Yoweri Museveni to head the city authority which technically means she is in charge of the wider affairs including the soccer team. He took the reins from Andrew Kitaka who was the acting director since Jennifer Musisi had left.

“It gives me great pleasure at such a wonderful opportunity to visit and interact with the KCCA FC team – the footballers, technical and administrative staff and some legends at the club home ground, the StarTimes Stadium,” Kisaka said as was quoted by Sports Nation.

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“My heart spills with joy as I see these energetic and brilliant young gentlemen being part of this historic club.

“The authority considers sports as a key factor in promoting citizen cohesion, stakeholders’ engagements, participatory approach and total transformation of the person and the city – it's against this premise that KCCA invest in sports for example; football, volleyball, netball, basketball, boxing, athletics and other disciplines which contribute to youth employment, social welfare, talent growth and development.

“I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all the sponsors, the coaches, legends and the fans – thank you all for contributing to the success of the club.”

Kisaka also awarded Mutyaba Muzamiru – who is on his way to AFC Leopards - and Jackson Nunda who left after five years of service for KCCA.

Meanwhile, Fufa Big League outfit Bukedea Town Council FC has revealed why they changed their name to Blacks Power FC.

The change of name was approved by Fufa Executive Committee which met on September 15. Bukedea Town Council FC acting Chief Executive Officer Samuel Opio said the name was changed in order to clearly give a distinction between the club and the regional authority.

“The club’s name was changed mainly because the town council has not been able to give us support,” Opio told Sports Nation.

“So, we saw it unnecessary to have the name of the town council when we are not getting support.

“This has been giving players or coaches a perspective that we have money. We have faced this challenge when we are signing players or coaches. They come asking for a lot of money yet in actual sense, the club has no money they think.”

The side was fourth when Fufa cancelled the league in May due to the coronavirus issue.
