FKF Coast Branch officials.FKF.

Mombasa County Assembly passes landmark Shs12 million Kandanda football bill

Mombasa County Assembly has passed the ‘Kandanda bill’ which will provide annual funding for all clubs within the county which participates in Football Kenya Federation (FKF) leagues.

The Shs12million-kitty will fund the teams' costs of transport, affiliation, participation and payment for referees during matches. The motion was tabled by the Freretown Ward Member of County Assembly Charles Kitula and backed unanimously by his colleagues.

A task force will be formed by the Mombasa county sports committee to oversee the implementation of the funds set aside. FKF South Coast branch secretary-general Lilian Nandudu welcomed the move by the county assembly.

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‘’The 'Kandanda Bill', is the first of its kind and will definitely go a long way in uplifting the standard of football within the county. We appreciate and value the tireless efforts by the Mombasa county government in the growth and development of the beautiful game,"  Nandundu told Football Kenya Federation website.

FKF South Coast branch has already submitted a budget for the 2019/2020 season to the county government.
