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KPL vs FKF: Bandari's Muhiddin believes league managers deserve another contract

Bandari FC technical director Twahir Muhiddin believes the Kenyan Premier League (KPL) Limited should be given another contract to manage the top tier.

The contract between the Football Kenya Federation (FKF) and the KPL will expire on September 24, and the former have made it clear they are not extending deal, since the Federation is keen on running all the leagues in the country starting from the 2020/21 season.

"In the last 17 years, KPL has done enough to help our football grow," Muhiddin told Goal on Friday.

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"I do not know where we would have been without them. Despite a lot of criticism, I insist football quality in the country improved under KPL's management.

"They have enough experience to continue overseeing our top-flight football and all the involved parties should do is get a solution and continue working together.

"They kept all the teams on their toes and ran the league the way it should; it has helped in our development."

The former Harambee Stars coach has also pointed out the impact the KPL awards have had on the players.

"Players were always on their toes, striving to give their best on the pitch because they knew there is a reward for their efforts," Muhiddin added.

"End of the year KPL gala and monthly awards motivated players to be competitive on the pitch. 

"Getting rid of KPL is like starting all over again which will affect our football and players in the long run. I still believe there is room for dialogue for the interest of football."

The 2019/20 KPL was halted owing to Covid-19 outbreak. While the Federation crowned Gor Mahia as champions and communicated their decision to the Confederation of African Football (Caf), the KPL insisted they have exclusive rights to decide the fate of the top tier.

They communicated the matter to Caf before writing to the Sports Disputes Tribunal (SDT), stating the FKF overstepped their mandate.

The ruling has not yet been made regarding the disagreement.

As per the FKF decision, K'Ogalo will represent the country in the Caf Champions League while Chemelil Sugar and Sony Sugar are relegated.

Kisumu All-Stars will play in the two-legged relegation/promotion play-offs to determine their fate. 
