FKF elections.FKF.

Kenya Young Football Fans Caucus calls for FKF disbandment amid election confusion

Kenya Young Football Fans Caucus has called on Fifa, Caf and the government to set up an interim committee to administer football activities in the country pending the Football Kenya Federation (FKF) elections.

The FKF has failed to hold elections in two attempts after the Sports Disputes Tribunal (SDT) quashed the planned process citing a biased electoral code and the national executive committee's illegibility to administer the polls.

The Caucus now wants an interim body to take charge of the FKF mandate for 90 days as stakeholders deliberate on another electoral code.

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The SDT, in its March 17 rule, had called on Fifa to constitute a normalisation committee but the Zurich body dismissed the proposal outrightly. 

“Since 1964 when Isaac Lugonzo founded the Kenya Football Association, a whopping 15 chairmen later, Kenyan football still deals with the same problems; corruption, poor infrastructure, poor pay and absolute disorganisation,” the statement by Kenya Young Football Fans Caucus seen by Goal said.

“The change we seek for as the Kenya Young Football Fans Caucus is; the same brains that brought us these problems cannot be the same ones to get us out of them.

“The Government of Kenya must act fairly and in accordance with established rules and laws at all times in dealings with Football Kenya Federation and involve all stakeholders [local and abroad] in finding a solution to the current football impasse. 

“An interim committee to be set up by Fifa, Caf & the Government of Kenya to run football affairs for 90 days as well as set up a new and fair election code and board that shall give a fair chance to all interested in running the game of Football in Kenya.

“That the Kenya Young Football Fans Caucus be enjoined in the setting up and running of the proposed Interim Committee that shall administrate football for 90 days in Kenya.”

The caucus also called on Fifa, Caf and the Kenyan government to come up with a financial solution to help the footballers who have been affected by the ongoing pause caused by the coronavirus curfew.

“Fifa, Caf and the government should set up a financial kitty to help support our players in the top three leagues [Men and Women] in the face of the Covid-19 that has rendered football unplayable,” it concluded.

Fifa has already promised to disburse funds each FA to the value of $500,000, as well as any remaining entitlements for 2019 and 2020. 
