Former FKF Vice-President Sammy SholleiDaili Nation

It's unfortunate for FKF to block SDT in ordinary courts - Shollei

Sammy Shollei has criticised Football Kenya Federation (FKF) for dragging the Sports Disputes Tribunal (SDT) to ordinary courts.

Recently FKF Coast National Executive Committee Members Gabriel Mghendi and Lilian Nadundu filed a petition in a Mombasa court seeking to stop STD from prosecuting cases involving the federation. The court gave orders staying any further tribunal's action against FKF.

The case was set for mention on June 29 but it was later moved to a later date given the suspension of court sessions in the coastal city.

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Shollei, who is eying the FKF presidency, says it is not correct for FKF under Nick Mwendwa to seek redress from ordinary courts that are not sanctioned by Fifa.

“Fifa rules are crystal clear, they do not tolerate the use of ordinary courts to resolve sports disputes. Fifa advocates for a sports arbitration process,” Shollei told Nation Sports.

“Luckily for us, we have a tribunal which is a creature of the Parliament of Kenya under the Sports Act 2013.

“It is unfortunate the current FKF office has 'anonymously' filed cases in three regional courts to block the SDT from discussing and or handling any football matters.”

The former Kenya Breweries star says the tribunal plays a critical role in handling sports-related disputes accusing Mwendwa of arrogance and hiding under the Fifa protection.

“The SDT has been a breath of fresh air to all stakeholders. It has been an avenue for justice in sports disputes and a pillar of hope in the entire industry," he concluded.

“Perpetuating ridicule, arrogance, impunity and contempt towards the Ministry of Sports, the Registrar of Sports and the Sports Act under the guise of Fifa's policy of non-interference is treachery beyond measure.”

Mwendwa responded by defending their actions of seeking protection against SDT from the courts.

“There is what we can do and what is beyond us. If you are walking home from a football match and someone hits you with a stone, FKF cannot help. You have to go to the police,” said the FKF chief.

“If a member has issues with the SDT, he cannot go to the SDT. He has to seek justice from somewhere within the law.”

SDT is currently handing disputes surrounding the FKF elections whose date has not been fixed yet.
