Renedy SinghISL

FPAI president Renedy Singh to Indian clubs: Pay your players!

Football Players' Association of India (FPAI) president Renedy Singh has asked Indian clubs not to take advantage of the Coronavirus pandemic and deny players their salaries.

The former India international is particularly worried about the situation of inexperienced footballers who face the possibility of not getting their dues cleared.

Renedy told Goal, "Now, due to the pandemic, money-wise, everything is getting difficult everywhere. We have talked to a few players. A few players are really worried if they would get their money or not. Once they sign a contract, players should keep a copy of the contract with them. This is for the young players. There are a few clubs who can play games (with that situation). Things are better and different from how it was during our playing career."

Nicholas Rodrigues, Renedy Singh, Shillong Lajong FC vs Mumbai FC, I-LeagueShillong Lajong FC

While the former East Bengal star accepts that the clubs may find it difficult to pay their players on time due to the pandemic, he expects the teams to sort out their finances sooner rather than later. 

"Payments may be delayed but we have to make sure that they get paid. They have families to look after. We request the players to stay calm. I am sure the clubs will respect contracts but if they don't, then there is the AIFF and the FIFA to look after. It is hard for everyone.

"Once they sign a contract, payments may be delayed, they may be a delay for a few months due to the pandemic but the contract should be respected. When there is a contract, you have to pay - there is no question about that," he concluded. 
