Wycilife Kasaya of Mathare UnitedGoal Kenya.

Kasaya reveals threats and intimidation as he contemplates retirement

Goalkeeper Wycliffe Kasaya is contemplating retiring from playing football.

The custodian's career has been marred with on and off-the-pitch controversies, and in March, he was dropped by Posta Rangers just three months after joining from Mathare United. Kasaya states his passion for the game has been killed and he cannot guarantee his return.

"Football has been my life, but I want to hang my boots and focus on other things," Kasaya told Goal on Tuesday.

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"I never wanted to retire this early, but frustrations and intimidation by some people are pushing me. Yes, I love football, but it is time for me to move on, though my mind is not fully made up."

The 35-year old had initially told Goal some people are fighting him and that is why Posta Rangers dropped him about eight months ago.

“Apparently someone has threatened my current club bosses and just like that my contract has been terminated reason being I have a pending court case and I don't have a release letter, so basically, I am not allowed to play.

“Well, it's okay, but I just want that person to know I am determined to fight until the end of this. Players' contracts must be respected. You can frustrate me all you want, but I will not give up."

The former AFC Leopards and Gor Mahia goalkeeper is currently in Thailand where he is doing missionary work.
