Kibu Vicuna Mohun BaganAIFF Media

CFL 2019: Defence and fitness are the twin concerns for Kibu Vicuna ahead of Kolkata Derby

Mohun Bagan was on the first teams to hit the training pitch in pre-season, with training starting under Kibu Vicuna from the first week of July. The team flew to Goa for two weeks where they underwent rigorous training sessions so that they can get into the best physical shape before going into the Durand Cup. Yet, less than two months into the season, the team is suffering from fatigue and exhaustion. 

Michael Abotsi, the physical trainer, has been under the spotlight. He has been with the team since the start of pre-season but the former weightlifter has not had the impact he would have hoped for. On the evidence of the games so far, the entire team's intensity drops off after an hour or so. The opponents are making the most of this vulnerability and are piling on pressure on Bagan's defence which has fallen apart like a pack of cards against even mediocre attacking forces late on in games.

Although Vicuna has come out in support of his players after a hard-fought 2-1 win against Behala SS in the Calcutta Football League (CFL), he could not deny that the opposition came back strongly in the last 15 minutes of the match. 

"In the last 15 minutes, the match was pretty open. But it was important to win three points. We had to win today after wasting points in the first two games. 

"Boys are playing every three days in these conditions. We are tired yes but it is normal. Our style of game is more demanding," said the Spaniard after registering his first win in CFL. 

Against Real Kashmir in Durand Cup, his team conceded a late goal whereas against Gokulam Kerala in the final, it was evident that the players haven't yet recovered after toiling for 120 minutes in the semi-final. Marcus Josep had a field day in office as he just ran with the ball unchallenged before scoring past Debjit Majumdar. 

Mohun Bagan Durand CupDurand Cup Media

If a lack of fitness is one of the primary concerns for Vicuna then a brittle defence would come a close second. The Spanish coach has tried out several combinations in the backline but has failed to find a solution to the defensive woes. The fact that Bagan has failed to keep a clean sheet in CFL so far is a testimony to their problems at the back. 

Gurjinder Kumar has been handed the arm-band but his performances are far from what the fans expect from their skipper. He has committed glaring mistakes at the back and the former Minerva Punjab player must pull up his socks against East Bengal to avoid further embarrassment. Against Real Kashmir, he allowed Gnohere Krizo to jump ahead of him and score the equaliser whereas against Behala, his half-hearted clearance led to William Opoku's leveller.  

On the other hand, Lalchhawnkima is still struggling to find his form in defence. He was caught off-guard against Gokulam on a number of occassions and his performances have failed to assure the Mohun Bagan faithful. It was not a pretty sight for them when Josep bulldozed him off the ball before setting up Henry Kisekka which led to Gokulam's first goal. 

Bagan have been playing a high line but whenever the opposition is playing the ball behind the defence, the players at the back are struggling to fall back and handle the situation, which once again points out that the team is suffering from fitness issues. 

Lalramchullova played his minutes in the previous match and the Mizo left-back put in a decent shift which would ease some concern of Vicuna. But is he prepared enough to feature in a high voltage match like the Kolkata derby? Doubts remain. 

If the likes of Jaime Santos and Bidyasagar Singh are to be kept in check on Sunday then Vicuna's trusted lieutenant Fran Morante has to take up the mantle. Although the Spaniard is still trying to find his footing in a new club, he has shone brighter than his other team-mates. If Mohun Bagan are to turn the tables after losing two consecutive derbies then Vicuna and Abotsi have to a tough task. 
