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Coronavirus: Kefwa on forced pay cuts in Kenyan football

Kenya Footballers Welfare Association (Kefwa) has opposed the move by some Kenyan Premier League (KPL) clubs in forcing players to take pay cuts.

Kefwa stated they have already held talks with the KPL managing body on the same concern and in order to arrive at an amicable solution that will benefit the clubs and the players alike.

“We followed this [meeting] up on 14th April 2020 through a letter to KPL respectfully but urgently asking them to convene a video conference meeting of all the KPL club chairmens amid reports that a number of KPL clubs had already embarked on the process of forced pay cuts,” Kefwa's press statement read.

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“We specifically sought and continue to engage the KPL on a temporary and reasonable collective wage cut/deferral agreement.

“We detailed a number of proposals to guide the talks whilst reiterating our preference to only engage those clubs whose finances had been manifested and understandably affected by the pandemic and took the courtesy of briefing FKF on these talks.”

Kefwa revealed the KPL is yet to answer them on the pertinent issues they raised but remains optimistic the whole issue will be solved.

The association lauded some clubs who have stood with their players including Wazito and KCB. They, however, raised issues after the Kenyan Women's Premier League (KWPL) players were not included as the beneficiaries of the Betika-FKF bailout fund.

“We would also like to thank Betika for partnering with FKF to cushion the players during the pandemic. It is our hope and expectation that all the contracted players [and not only the 25 players named by the respective clubs] will get a fair and equitable share.

“On the contrary, we are deeply saddened by the way our women were overlooked yet this pandemic affects them also if not more than their male counterparts.

“We hope that part of the Fifa Covid-19 Emergency Support Funds sent to federations across the world or any other fund will trickle down to all the players including our female members.”
