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Coronavirus: Ghana U17 and U20 women's national teams camp rocked by positive cases

Seven players of Ghana's female U17 and U20 national teams have been confirmed positive for the coronavirus.

The identities of the players in question have not been disclosed.

The two teams are currently in camp in Cape Coast after earning special permission from Ghana President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to regroup for training ahead of their upcoming international assignments amid the disturbing Covid-19 conditions.

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All players and team officials of the teams were tested on their return to camp on Friday. In all, 30 U17 players and 31 U20 players were called up for the camping exercise.

"The female U20 team will remain in camp despite Caf's postponement of the upcoming match The best thing to do is keep them in camp amid this covid-19 period," Ghana Football Association (GFA) communications director Henry Asante Twum told Asempa FM on Tuesday.

"As it stands now seven players out of the total 61 in camp have tested positive for Covid-19.

"Four Princesses [U20 players] and three Maidens [U17 players] have tested positive and are in isolation as we speak now.

"However, this won't affect both coaches' plan in any way."

While the U17 side are preparing for upcoming World Cup qualifiers against arch-rivals Nigeria in October and November, the U20 outfit similarly has an upcoming World Cup qualifying double-header against Guinea-Bissau.

The two teams were initially scheduled to start camp on August 1 but challenges with implementation of coronavirus safety protocols, including testing of players and a coronavirus training workshop for team officials, delayed commencement of the preparations.

"Our female Under-20 and Under-17 national football teams have been given the clearance to go into their respective training camps to begin preparations towards their Fifa and Caf-sanctioned international matches, which begin in September," Akufo-Addo said in an address to the nation in June.

"Whilst in training, the playing, technical and management teams must strictly observe all the protocols issued by Government, Caf and Fifa against Covid-19. All other team and contact sports, and competitive sporting events remain suspended till further notice."

Ghana’s male U17 and U20 teams have also been granted special permission to resume camp but the teams are yet to assemble.

Currently, in the West African country, all contact sports are banned as part of measures to curb the spread of the disease.

The situation resulted in premature termination of the 2019-20 Ghana football season, including the Premier League (GPL), in March. 
